Sunday, November 7, 2010

     I am presently curled upon the sofa READING: Coast: A Photographic Tour of England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The pictures are breathtaking. I so want to be there.

This beautiful treasure of a book is making me DAYDREAM about a specific place from my past. As a child, I lived on Highgate Road in a small village called Barnstaple in Devonshire. I would love to go back and see if that house exists. Here is a photo of my sister and me, dressed like proper little English girls, sitting on the front steps of that very house on Highgate Road. My sister's the one hamming it up for the camera, while I am assuming my best little prim and proper pose. In personality and in life, we actually are the opposite, I am always acting up, and she is usually doing the right thing.
I fondly remember that our neighborhood playmates were named Peter and Hilary, and our nanny was Millicent, a graduate of the vaunted St. Christopher's, how terribly British can you get?! Quite a stretch for two little Southern girls!

And even though I am tucked up nicely on my sofa in the den being very lazy, I am nonetheless
WEARING my Tom's. I do love them. So comfy. Almost like house shoes. I did make the mistake of wearing them to the Flea Market a couple of weeks ago, and I quickly found out that they do not make a suitable walking shoe. For someone of my age, there is simply not enough support. I paid for the pleasure the next day with tired and aching feet!
Burlap Toms
 My Tom's are ACCESSORIZED with  my Lee Skinny Jean pants. I possibly love these more than my Tom's, which is saying a lot. I would have never thought that I could find jeans that fit me, but The Daughter basically gave me an ultimatum. The old outdated jeans had to go. She carefully described exactly what I needed to buy, and when I saw someone wearing those very jeans, I accosted them to find out where they had purchased them. Imagine my surprise that they were not the cost-you-an-arm-and-a-leg jeans like some of my friends have, but had come from the neighborhood Kohl's. I ran there as fast as I could, and with my coupon in hand, these jeans set me back a whopping $19.95. Yep. That's right. Under twenty bucks, and I live in them -- just ask my kids!

I also found a way to EAT two of my comfort foods today: bacon and grits. The Husband had a tummy virus over the weekend so he was not up for gourmet fare, just something soothing like scrambled eggs, crisp bacon, slow-cooked grits, and toasted pumpkin bread. I skipped the eggs and ate a large bowl of those grits topped with a pat of butter (okay, two pats of butter) and crumbled bacon. Yum. Yum.

So there you have it. My day. Well sorta. Oh, and I decided just about 10:00 to start this BLOG post. Yawn. Yawn.

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